Professional Workshops

Upcoming Workshops/Trainings

Basic Principles of Somatic Experiencing: Workshop for Caribbean Practitioners

March 23, 2024, 10am-4pm Central Time
Contact Shervana Francis, Organizer for more information or Register
Coupon code CARICOM for 50% off this workshop

Somatic Experiencing Training

  • Online training for Caribbean Practitioners
    This Somatic Experiencing Professional 3-yr training is specifically geared to Caribbean practitioners, taught by SEI Faculty Francine Kelley. This is the first ever SE Professional training for Caribbean practitioners!
  • Miami/Ft Lauderdale training: Basic Principles of Somatic Experiencing (online introduction to the SE training)
    April 26, 2024
    10am-1pm Eastern Time
    More Info / Register

Consultation Groups for SE Students and Practitioners

General Group Consult: Friday, March 22, 2024, 12p-1:30p Central $45

BIPOC practitioners only: Friday, April 19, 2024, 12:30-2pm Central $45

Yoga and SE Consult: Friday, May 3, 2024, 1:00-2:30pm Central $45

General Group Consult: Friday May 24, 2024, 12:30-2pm Central $45

BIPOC Group Consult: Friday June 21, 2024, 12:00-1:30pm Central $45


Bodies Come To Therapy Too: Introduction to Body-Centered Psychotherapy

Traditionally, psychotherapy has been focused on thinking and emotions. What has not been recognized is that emotions happen in the body, and thoughts are heavily influenced by the state of the nervous system. Body-centered psychotherapy gives practitioners the tools they need to influence emotions at their origin, and directly affect the state of the nervous system.

This workshop will give an introduction to the use of somatic awareness through Yoga-Informed Psychotherapy and Somatic Experiencing, and provide practitioners with some basic interventions that they can begin using right away.

Not currently scheduled.

Contact Francine to host this workshop

Links to Previous Workshops & Podcasts:

You, Me And the In Between. (75 mins). Presented through the Embody Lab 25th 2-Day Summit. June 2023. Free.

You, Me and the In Between: Compassionate Boundaries for Practitioners (3hrs).

The helping professions can be incredibly rewarding. So why do so many end up burned out or with compassion fatigue, and trying to find something else to do that is less taxing? How much we take on in our work can impact our wellbeing. Join me for this 3-hr workshop exploring presence and compassionately boundaries. It’s not just about having a semi-permeable membrane or the right words to say!

Hosted by Centered Therapy Chicago.

Docworking Podcast: Trauma and Healing for Physicians with Francine Kelley.